Thursday, 18 November 2010

AS Homework - due Thursday 25th November

Find 3 music magazine contents pages - one from a magazine from the same genre as you will be doing.

Analyse these contents pages, considering layout, images etc. and especially considering how the target audience is addressed

Post on your blog by 25th November please!

If you don't have the image of the contents pages as a digital file to add to your blog, bring the harad copy to me (with your name on it) and we can scan it to add to your blog later

Have fun! 

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Links to Reader Profiles; additional material; STUFF YOU MUST DO!

Examples of existing reader profiles (more are available online; go to the music magazine website and look for advertisers' information)

Additional material you may find interesting
How to create a reader profile
The socio-economic scale


HOMEWORK - to be on your blog by next week's lesson, 18th November 2010
Analyse your questionnaire results - what impact will your target audience have on your magazine?
Create a reader profile - WHO are you creating this magazine for and why? How are you going to represent them? 

AS Media Blogs

Holly Barker
Neelam Chhabhadiya
Ivana Cicic
Ashleigh-Louise Elliott
Ross Horner
Georgia Ioannou
Preeti Jandu
Monique Jones
Jaslin Kenejah
Craig Maskell
Reasha McLarty
Jake Montford
Lucky Nakalembe
Orselina Pemaj
Eleanore Ramsey
Kieron Savage
Navneet Sembhi
Zoe Small
Asmaa Tanver
Mamoona Tanveer
Komal Vekaria

Cherelle Mann?
Eva Maloku?

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Suggested Text Book (AS and A2)

The Media Students Book on Amazon
ISBN: 978-0-415-55842-6

This book may be useful to complement your studies. The companion site could also prove useful. Click here

AS Media Homework

Find a (music) magazine front cover.

Analyse it, concluding with who the intended audience is.
Consider in particular detail the image, making reference to the denotations and connotations (e.g. what is the model wearing, what  kind of pose is she/he making, how does the framing make  meaning? etc.)
Also consider:
      Text sizes
      Mode of address (what kind of language used?)
      Mise en scene (set - if any - props, etc)
      Magazine name
      Selling line
      Cover lines


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

AS Media

Did you get everything about semiotics last week?

Answer 1) Yes! It was easy!

Answer 2) Oh yeah, I think so. Except for that bit about... um...

Answer 3) Semi-what now?

If you responded Answer 1: Well done. You don't have to come in next lesson (as if - have a gold star instead)
If you responded Answer 2 or 3: Try here

Don't worry if you're not sure about some of this - it's not all relevant to us just yet. Make sure you know all the stuff about the ideas of signifier and signified and the bit about halfway down about symbolic, iconic and indexical signs.