Tuesday, 23 September 2014

What should be on your blogs already?

  1. Essay on structuralism in Halloween, focussing on codes and conventions, and the effect on the audience
  2. 4 x timelines on Todorov's narrative theory applied to horror trailers, with structuralist codes and conventions identified.
  3. Essay on postmodernism, comparing 28 Days Later with Shaun of the Dead
  4. A feminist reading of any horror movie using the terminology in Carol Clover's essay.
  5. Your pitches - aim for 4 or 5 - with some evaluation of how effective they are.
  6. A treatment of one of your pitches. It doesn't have to be the one that you will film at this point.
  7. The timeline analysis of edit/transition types using key terminology
  8. Your scanned storyboard
  9. You audience research - your questionnaire/survey and the analysis of the results. How will your findings affect your production?
  10. Your documentary and evaluation, which was your AS - A2 transition project (this should be the first thing on your blog but if it isn't, you need to explain what it is and why you did it.)

REMEMBER to use your blogs as a production journal. What else have you done? Did you advertise for actors? Research locations? Research props? Then post about it! What challenges did you meet, and how did you overcome them?

Good luck to those of you who still have nothing.

Well done to those of you who are up to date!

A2 Media Studies Class of 2014-2015

Sophie Angus
Sophie Ball
Shahnaaz Begum
Marnia Boyle
Christal Domingo
Zoe Freeman
Todd Green
Hifsa Hussain
Amy Kavanagh
Robyn Marriner
Shannon Martin
Wendy Nguyen
Aleksandra Rusic
Emma Small

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Your Planning

Well done guys, you did some excellent planning work today and I feel like you're on your way now. I will be emailing you your progress marks this week, so check you emails and when I do send, fill in the 'student comment' section, explaining what you are going to do to improve, and post onto your blog ASAP. See you next week!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

A2 Blog Example

A really good example of a blog... This will have got full marks for planning and research.

Remember to research, use your blog as a journal to chart your ongoing creative process. It's an online notebook/sketchbook where I can see your ideas and allocate marks accordingly!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Media Lesson

Here's your work. Find and embed on your own blogs at: